Free Sample Attendance Warning Letter Template



Free Sample Attendance Warning Letter Template

Sample Attendance Warning Letter

[Your Company Name]

[Your Company Address]

[Your Company Email]

[Your Company Number]

Date: September 18, 2050

John Doe

Marketing Coordinator

Marketing Department

Dear John,

This letter is to formally address our concern regarding your recent attendance record. We have noticed a recurring pattern of absenteeism and tardiness, which is starting to impact your performance and the overall productivity of the marketing team. As of today, you have been absent on the following dates without prior notice:

  • August 15, 2050

  • August 22, 2050

  • September 1, 2050

In addition, you were late on the following dates:

  • August 10, 2050 (45 minutes late)

  • August 27, 2050 (30 minutes late)

Your regular attendance is critical to maintaining the efficiency of our team, and all employees must adhere to [Your Company Name]’s attendance policy, as outlined in our Employee Handbook. This policy requires employees to notify their supervisor in advance of any planned absences and to inform them as soon as possible in case of an emergency.

We expect immediate improvement in your attendance. Please be aware that further violations of the attendance policy may result in additional disciplinary actions, which could include suspension or even termination of employment.

If there are any underlying issues affecting your ability to maintain consistent attendance—such as health or personal matters—please contact Human Resources or your supervisor so we can discuss any potential accommodations.

We value your contributions to the team and hope to see positive changes going forward. This letter serves as a formal warning and an opportunity to correct the issue.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


[Your Name]

HR Manager

[Your Company Name]

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