Free Formal Attendance Warning Letter Template



Free Formal Attendance Warning Letter Template

Formal Attendance Warning Letter

[Your Company Name]

[Your Company Address]

[Your Company Email]

[Your Company Number]

September 24, 2056

Caleb Wilson

Software Engineer

Development Department

Dear Caleb,

I hope this letter finds you well. This letter serves as a formal written warning regarding your recent attendance at work, which has raised concerns within the department.

According to our records, there have been multiple instances of tardiness and unexcused absences since August 2056, which exceed the company’s attendance expectations. Below is a summary of the dates in question:

  • August 5, 2056: Absent without prior notice

  • August 10, 2056: Late by 45 minutes

  • August 17, 2056: Absent without documentation

  • August 25, 2056: Late by 1 hour

  • September 3, 2056: Absent without notice

As per our attendance policy outlined in the Employee Handbook, employees are expected to maintain regular attendance and provide proper notice for absences or tardiness. Unfortunately, your attendance record has not met these standards, which is impacting both the productivity of your team and the overall efficiency of the department.

We recognize that unforeseen circumstances may arise, and if you are facing any personal challenges that are affecting your ability to attend work, we encourage you to communicate with us so that we can explore potential solutions. However, you must take immediate steps to improve your attendance.

To rectify this situation, we expect you to:

  • Arrive on time for your scheduled shifts.

  • Give advance notice for absences and provide documentation if needed.

  • Demonstrate a consistent improvement in your attendance over the next 30 days.

Please be advised that failure to show significant improvement may result in further disciplinary action, up to and including termination of your employment.

If you would like to discuss this issue or require assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or Human Resources. We are committed to supporting you in this process and hope to see a positive change.


[Your Name]

Human Resources Manager

[Your Company Name]

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