Free Lateness Warning Letter Template



Free Lateness Warning Letter Template

Lateness Warning Letter

[Your Company Name]

[Your Company Address]

September 17, 2057

Jordan Lee

Customer Service Representative

Customer Service Department

Dear Jordan,

We are writing to address a recurring issue regarding your punctuality at work. As part of our company’s commitment to maintaining a productive and professional workplace, all employees must adhere to the established work schedule. Unfortunately, it has come to our attention that you have been habitually late for your shifts, which violates our attendance policy.

On several occasions, including the following dates, you reported late to work:

  • August 1, 2057

  • August 12, 2057

  • August 25, 2057

  • September 5, 2057

This repeated tardiness has been disruptive to the team and has negatively impacted your overall performance and productivity. Punctuality is an essential requirement of your role, and further instances of lateness will not be tolerated. We want to ensure that you are aware of the serious nature of this issue and that immediate corrective action is required.

Expectations Moving Forward:

  1. You are expected to report to work on time, at 9:00 AM every workday.

  2. If there are circumstances that may affect your ability to arrive on time, please inform your supervisor in advance.

  3. Failure to correct this issue may result in further disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

We value your contributions to the team and hope that you will take this opportunity to address this matter promptly. Should you require assistance or wish to discuss any underlying reasons affecting your punctuality.

We trust that you understand the importance of maintaining a punctual attendance record, and we look forward to seeing improvement in this area.


[Your Name]

Operations Manager

[Your Company Name]

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