Free Second Warning for Attendance Issues Letter Template



Free Second Warning for Attendance Issues Letter Template

Second Warning for Attendance Issues Letter

[Your Company Name]

[Your Company Address]

[Your Company Email]

[Your Company Number]

May 15, 2057

Maxwell Mante

Software Developer

Dear Maxwell Mante,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to address a recurring issue regarding your attendance at work, which has previously been discussed with you.

On April 1, 2057, we issued a first warning concerning your attendance issues. Unfortunately, despite our discussion and the steps outlined to improve your attendance, there has been no significant improvement. Specifically, on May 2, 2057, and May 10, 2057, you were absent without prior notification or an acceptable explanation.

As outlined in our company’s attendance policy, consistent and punctual attendance is crucial for maintaining operational efficiency and team productivity. Your repeated absences not only disrupt our operations but also place an additional strain on your colleagues.

We are committed to supporting you, and we want to help you address any underlying issues that may be affecting your attendance. However, it is important to note that further failure to improve may lead to more severe consequences, including possible disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.

To address this issue, we require you to:

  1. Improve Attendance: Ensure that you are present and on time for all scheduled workdays. If you encounter any issues, please inform your supervisor as soon as possible and follow the company’s procedure for reporting absences.

  2. Meet with Your Supervisor: Schedule a meeting with Emily Carter, your supervisor, to discuss any challenges you are facing and to create a plan to support your improvement.

  3. Follow Company Policies: Adhere to all attendance and reporting policies as outlined in the employee handbook.

Please treat this letter as a serious notice of the consequences of continued non-compliance. We genuinely hope that you can resolve these issues promptly and continue to contribute positively to our team.

If you have questions or need additional support, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter.


[Your Name]

Human Resources Manager

[Your Company Name]

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