Free Initial Blank Attendance Warning Letter Template



Free Initial Blank Attendance Warning Letter Template

Initial Blank Attendance Warning Letter

[Your Company Name]

[Your Company Address]

[Your Company Email]

[Your Company Number]

Date: [                        ]

Employee's Name: [                        ]

Employee's Position: [                        ]

Employee's Department: [                        ]

Employee's Address: [                        ]

Dear Employee's Name: [                        ]

We are writing to bring to your attention a matter of concern regarding your recent attendance record. Maintaining consistent attendance is essential for the effective functioning of the team and the overall success of the organization.

Our records show that you have been absent on the following dates without prior notification or acceptable explanation:

List specific dates of absence: [                        ]

Please be reminded that regular attendance is a requirement of your role in [Your Company Name]. Unexplained or frequent absences can negatively impact your performance, disrupt your team's workflow, and hinder the organization’s productivity.

This letter serves as an initial warning regarding your attendance. We ask that you take immediate steps to improve your attendance and ensure that all future absences are communicated in advance and follow the proper procedures outlined in the company policy.

Should there be any underlying issues affecting your attendance, such as personal or health-related concerns, we encourage you to speak with your manager or the Human Resources Department. We are committed to working with you to address any concerns that may be affecting your ability to meet the attendance requirements of your position.

Please be advised that continued attendance issues may lead to further disciplinary actions, up to and including termination of employment.

We appreciate your immediate attention to this matter and look forward to seeing improvements in your attendance.


[Your Name]

Your Title: [                        ]

[Your Company Name]

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