Free Cashier Attendance Warning Letter Template



Free Cashier Attendance Warning Letter Template

Cashier Attendance Warning Letter

July 25, 2056

Evelyn Turner

202 Pine Lane

Meadowville, AZ 85006

This letter serves as a formal warning regarding your attendance as a cashier with [Your Company Name]. It has come to our attention that your recent attendance record does not meet the company’s expectations and standards.

Details of Attendance Issues:

  • Dates of Absences/Tardiness:

    • July 5, 2056: Absent without prior notice

    • July 10, 2056: Late arrival (45 minutes)

    • July 14, 2056: Early departure (1 hour early)

    • July 20, 2056: Late arrival (30 minutes)

  • Number of Instances: 4 instances of tardiness or absence in July 2056.

Reason for Concern:

As a cashier, your punctuality and consistent attendance are critical to the smooth operation of the store, ensuring that customers are served efficiently and operations run smoothly. Your recent attendance issues have caused disruptions to the team and our overall service quality.

Company Policy:

According to the company's attendance policy, consistent attendance and punctuality are essential to maintaining an effective and reliable work environment. As per the employee handbook, excessive absences or tardiness may lead to disciplinary actions, including termination of employment.

Required Actions:

  • Immediate improvement in attendance.

  • If you anticipate being late or absent in the future, you are required to notify your supervisor in advance as per company policy.

  • We expect you to adhere to your scheduled hours without further incidents.

Please understand that this letter is a formal warning. Any further attendance issues may result in more severe disciplinary actions, including but not limited to suspension or termination.

We value your contributions to the company, and we hope this matter can be resolved promptly. Should you have any concerns or need to discuss your situation, please contact your supervisor or the HR department.


[Your Name]

Human Resources Manager

[Your Company Name]

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