Driving Ban Appeal Letter

Driving Ban Appeal Letter

Orlando, FL 32801
222 555 7777

October 9, 2050

Department of Motor Vehicles
Miami, FL 33101

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to formally appeal the driving ban imposed on my license due to medical issues. My name is [YOUR NAME], and my driver's license number is S293FJ30493P. I understand the importance of maintaining road safety, and I appreciate the measures taken by your office to ensure that only qualified individuals are permitted to drive.

Unfortunately, I was notified on September 15, 2050, that my driving privileges would be suspended as a result of a medical evaluation. I would like to provide further context regarding my situation. I have been managing a medical condition that, at times, may affect my driving ability; however, I have taken steps to mitigate these concerns. Specifically, I have been under the care of Dr. Lester Nolan, who has monitored my condition and has provided documentation to support my capability to drive safely.

Enclosed with this letter, you will find a letter from Dr. Lester Nolan, which confirms my fitness to drive and details the treatments I have been undergoing. I am committed to following all recommendations to maintain my health and ensure that I can operate a vehicle safely.

Additionally, the inability to drive has severely impacted my daily life, including my responsibilities at [YOUR COMPANY NAME], where I hold the position of Project Manager. Without access to transportation, I am unable to attend essential meetings and fulfill my obligations, which also affects my colleagues and the overall operation of the company. Our company number is [YOUR COMPANY NUMBER], and our office is located at [YOUR COMPANY ADDRESS]. More information about our services can be found on our website at [YOUR COMPANY WEBSITE].

I kindly request that you reconsider my case and allow me to retain my driving privileges, given the documentation provided and my commitment to safe driving. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your prompt response.


222 555 7777

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