Free Sworn Declaration Letter Layout Template



Free Sworn Declaration Letter Layout Template

Sworn Declaration Letter Layout

I, [YOUR NAME], residing in Detroit, MI 48201, hereby declare the following under penalty of perjury:

  1. I am over the age of 18 years and competent to make this declaration. I have personal knowledge of the facts stated herein, and if called as a witness, I could and would testify competently to these facts.

  2. I am making this declaration in connection with the legal proceedings regarding Smith v. Johnson, currently pending in the Circuit Court of Michigan, case number 2023-CV-4567.

  3. On January 15, 2050, I witnessed an event that is pivotal to this case. Specifically, I observed an altercation between the plaintiff and the defendant at Michigan Park. This event is relevant because it directly relates to the claims of assault being made by the plaintiff.

  4. Additionally, I have attached relevant documents to this declaration, which include a copy of the police report, photographs of the incident scene, and witness statements. These documents further support my statements made herein.

  5. I understand that this declaration may be submitted to the court as evidence in the aforementioned case. I affirm that all statements made in this declaration are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

  6. Should the need arise, I can be reached at [YOUR EMAIL] or through [YOUR COMPANY NAME] at [YOUR COMPANY NUMBER]. My company address is [YOUR COMPANY ADDRESS].

Executed this February 10, 2050.

Detroit, MI 48201

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