Free Student Behavior First Warning Letter Template



Free Student Behavior First Warning Letter Template

Student Behavior First Warning Letter

Greenwood High School

1234 Maple Street

Springfield, IL 62701

October 18, 2060

Mia Miller

210 Serene Circle, Unit 77,

Zen Gardens, TX 98765

Subject: First Warning for Student Behavior

Dear Ms. Miller,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to formally address a concern regarding your behavior in class. On October 15, 2060, it was observed that you talked loudly while the teacher was giving instructions during our History lesson, disrupting not only your learning but also that of your classmates. This behavior is not acceptable and goes against our school's expectations for a positive learning environment.

The impact of this behavior affects not only your learning but also the learning experience of your classmates. It is important that everyone in the classroom feels respected and able to participate without distractions.

To help you improve, I encourage you to reflect on your actions and make a conscious effort to adhere to the following expectations moving forward:

  • Raise your hand to speak during class discussions.

  • Follow all instructions given by the teacher promptly.

Please be aware that continued disruptive behavior may result in further disciplinary actions, including a second warning or other consequences as outlined in the student handbook.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss this matter further, I am available for a meeting. I believe in your ability to succeed and hope to see a positive change in your behavior.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter.


[Your Name]
History Teacher

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