Free Printable First Warning Letter for Harassment Template



Free Printable First Warning Letter for Harassment Template

Printable First Warning Letter for Harassment

[Your Company Name]

[Your Company Email]

[Your Company Address]

October 18, 2060

Logan Clark

Marketing Specialist

789 Oak Lane, Unit 12,

Rivertown, NY 10001

Dear Mr. Clark,

Subject: First Warning Letter for Harassment

This letter serves as a formal warning regarding your behavior that has been identified as harassment in the workplace. It has come to our attention that on October 5, 2060, you made inappropriate comments to a fellow employee during a team meeting, specifically referring to their appearance in a manner that made them uncomfortable. This behavior has been reported by Aria Lee, who felt it was inappropriate and unwelcome.

Such behavior is unacceptable and violates our company policy on harassment as outlined in the Employee Handbook (Section 3.2). We take these matters seriously, and it is essential to maintain a respectful and safe working environment for all employees.

As part of our commitment to a harassment-free workplace, we expect you to immediately cease any inappropriate conduct and adhere to company policies regarding professional communication. Failure to comply with these expectations may lead to further disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

Please consider this letter as an opportunity to reflect on your actions and make the necessary changes. We are here to support you in creating a positive workplace environment. You are encouraged to reach out to your manager or the HR department if you have any questions or need assistance.

Please sign below to acknowledge your receipt of this warning letter.


[Your Name]

Human Resources Manager

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