Free Dishonesty Aesthetic First Warning Letter Template



Free Dishonesty Aesthetic First Warning Letter Template

Dishonesty Aesthetic First Warning Letter

Greenfield University

123 Academic Way

Springfield, IL

June 15, 2060

Noah Duncan

Student ID: 987654321

654 Dreamer's Road, Suite 99,

Imagination Isle, NY 67890

Dear Mr. Duncan,

Subject: First Warning Regarding Dishonesty

This letter serves as a formal warning regarding a serious incident of dishonesty that occurred on June 10, 2060. It has come to our attention that you submitted a project report titled “Innovative Solutions in Technology,” which contained sections of uncredited material taken from various online sources without proper citation. This act constitutes plagiarism, a violation of our academic integrity policy.

The submission of dishonest work undermines the trust we place in our students and detracts from the integrity of our academic standards. Such behavior not only affects your reputation but can also impact your peers and the university as a whole.

Moving forward, you must adhere to our established guidelines for academic and professional conduct. We expect you to demonstrate integrity in all your future work and to contribute positively to our university environment.

Please be aware that further incidents of dishonesty may result in more severe disciplinary actions, including potential academic penalties.

We encourage you to reflect on this matter seriously. You are required to meet with Dr. Aria Lee, your Academic Advisor, by June 22, 2060, to discuss this situation and the steps you will take to ensure it does not happen again.

Please acknowledge receipt of this letter by signing and returning the attached copy.


[Your Name]
Director of Student Affairs

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