Free Student First Probation Warning Letter Template



Free Student First Probation Warning Letter Template

Student First Probation Warning Letter

Maplewood College

456 Learning Ave

Maplewood, CA 90210

Date: May 15, 2060

Isaac Shaw

Student ID: 987654

109 Whispering Pine, Unit 11,

Silent Woods, CA 67890

Subject: First Probation Warning Notification

Dear Mr. Shaw,

We are writing to formally notify you that due to your academic performance, you are being placed on academic probation effective immediately. This decision is based on your grades for the Spring 2060 semester, during which your cumulative GPA has fallen to 1.8, below the college's required minimum GPA of 2.0.

Reason for Probation:
Your current academic standing indicates that you are not meeting the requirements to remain in good standing at Maplewood College. Specifically, you have received failing grades in two core courses: Introduction to Psychology (PSY101) and Principles of Economics (ECO102).

To successfully lift your probationary status, you are required to achieve a minimum GPA of 2.0 in the upcoming Fall 2060 semester. Additionally, you must successfully pass the courses you are currently enrolled in, which include:

  • Introduction to Sociology (SOC101)

  • Statistics for Social Sciences (MAT201)

  • Academic Success Strategies (SCS101)

Please understand that failure to meet these academic standards by the end of the Fall 2060 semester may result in further academic penalties, including possible suspension or dismissal from Maplewood College.

To assist you in improving your academic performance, we encourage you to take advantage of the following resources available at Maplewood College:

  • Academic advising sessions with Aria Lee, who can provide guidance tailored to your situation.

  • Tutoring services are available in the Academic Success Center, open Monday through Friday from 9 AM to 5 PM.

  • Workshops on study skills and time management are offered throughout the semester.

We believe in your potential to improve and succeed. If you have any questions or wish to discuss this matter further, please do not hesitate to contact me at [Your Email].


[Your Name]
Academic Advisor

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