Free Debt Settlement Payment Letter Template



Free Debt Settlement Payment Letter Template

Debt Settlement Payment Letter

November 4, 2050

ABC Credit Services
456 Maple Avenue
Springfield, IL 62702

Dear Ms. Linda Carter,

I am writing to formalize the settlement agreement discussed during our recent conversation on October 25, 2050. Please accept this letter as confirmation of my intent to settle the outstanding debt associated with account number 987654321 as per our agreed terms.

As discussed, the total outstanding balance of $2,500.00 has been negotiated to settle for $1,250.00, payable by November 15, 2050. This payment constitutes the full and final settlement of the debt. Once paid, I request that you report to all relevant credit agencies that the account has been "Paid in Full" and remove any negative information associated with this account from my credit report.

Please find enclosed the payment of $1,250.00, as agreed, to conclude this matter. I understand that, upon receipt of this payment, no further claims will be made against me regarding this account.

I would appreciate receiving a written acknowledgment from your organization confirming that upon receipt of the settlement amount, the debt is considered fully settled. Kindly send this confirmation to my attention at the address provided above.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding in reaching a mutually beneficial resolution. I look forward to your prompt response to this letter and confirmation of our agreement.


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