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Bank Permission Letter

Bank Permission Letter

Jane Smith

456 Elm Avenue
Suite 302
Suburbia, USA 54321

Mr. Michael Thompson,

89 Oak Drive
Apartment 7C
Coryville, USA 67890

Dear Michael Thompson,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to request your assistance and permission in regards to some banking matters.

Specifically, I hereby grant you permission to act on my behalf regarding any transactions, inquiries, or changes pertaining to my bank account numbered [Account Number]. This authority will be effective starting from the date of this letter and shall remain in effect until further notice.

Additionally, please be informed that I have provided the bank with a copy of this letter for their reference and authentication purposes.

If you require any further documentation or information, please do not hesitate to contact me at 222 555 7777.

Thank you for your kind assistance in this matter. Your prompt attention to this request would be greatly appreciated.


Jane Smith