Free Medical Report Letter Template



Free Medical Report Letter Template

Medical Report Letter

Dr. Kevin Phillips


July 7, 2050

Hillary Green

HR Manager

Solas Corporation

San Rafael CA 94901

Dear Ms. Green,

I hope this email finds you well. My name is Dr. Kevin Phillips, and I am a medical professional from Southhills Medical Center. I am writing to inform you about an important medical report regarding one of your employees, Roger Baughn.

We recently conducted a thorough medical examination of Mr. Baughn on July 15, 2050. The results of the examination indicate that he is suffering from a critical health condition that requires immediate attention and treatment.

As a dedicated and responsible employer, we understand the impact of this news on both your company and the affected employee. We would like to request your understanding and leniency in handling Mr. Baughn's situation. Given the severity of his health condition, it is crucial that he receives the necessary medical attention without the added stress of work obligations.

Our primary concern is ensuring the well-being and swift recovery of our valued employees. We believe that by granting Mr. Baughn a temporary leave of absence, he will be able to focus on his health and receive the appropriate medical care required for his recovery. We have already consulted with a medical specialist, who has recommended a minimum of three months' leave for Mr. Baughn's treatment and recovery process.

Please feel free to reach out to me directly via email or call me at 222-555-7777 if you require any further information or if you have any concerns that you would like to discuss.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter.

Dr. Kevin Phillips
Medical Doctor