Free Manager Work Experience Letter Template



Free Manager Work Experience Letter Template

Manager Work Experience Letter

Al Walsh
FutureWave Enterprises
4227 Brooke Street,
Sugar Land, TX 77478

July 31, 2050

Sandra Martin

AquaPulse Technologies
3191 Stark Hollow Road,
Mountain View, CO 82939

Dear Ms. Martin,

I hereby write this Manager Work Experience Letter to authenticate the time that William Long has spent at our company FutureWave Enterprises as a Project Manager.

William has shown excellent managerial skills during his tenure with us. He carries the unique ability of leading a team with a vision and seeing it to completion. His responsibilities included planning project resources, assembling and leading project teams, time management, controlling project budgets and project risk management.

We recommend him for any future endeavor he chooses to pursue. His contribution to our projects has been invaluable and he will always remain a cherished member of FutureWave Enterprises.

Yours faithfully,

Al Walsh