Free Immigration Letter for My Dad Template



Free Immigration Letter for My Dad Template

Immigration Letter for My Dad

January 1, 2050

Carolyn Hooper

Immigration Department

123 Virtual Lane,

CodeTown, USA.

Dear Ms. Hooper,

I am writing this letter for my dad, Mr. Albert Ornelas He was born on January 1, 1975, in CodeTown, USA, and, has been a permanent resident of our city since his birth. My dad has been offered an opportunity to work with one of the most reputed companies in Washington, namely ABC Tech Inc.

It's a chance for him to improve his life and the lives of our family members. His unique skills and vast experience in the tech industry make him an ideal candidate for this opportunity. Throughout his life, he has been a law-abiding citizen and has no legal charges or convictions against him.

He also has excellent health, which makes him physically fit to move. My father has strong family ties in Washington his elder brother and their family have been living there for the past two decades. Hence, he will have a stable and loving support system.

I trust that you will find my father deserving of this positive life change. We've included all necessary documented proofs for your perusal. I appreciate your time and consideration in this matter. Kindly, don't hesitate to reach out if you require any further information. Thank you in advance for your positive response.

Best Regards,

Olivia Ornelas

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