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Cross-Departmental Introduction Schedule HR

Cross-Departmental Introduction Schedule

Week 1: Orientation

January 6

General Orientation

Morning: Welcome breakfast and introductions

Afternoon: HR orientation, company policies

January 7

Leadership and Strategy

Morning: Meeting with CEO or top executives

Afternoon: Overview of the company's mission and vision

January 8

Meeting with CEO or top executives

Morning: Introduction to finance department

Afternoon: Meeting with the administrative team

January 9

Finance and Administration

Morning: Overview of IT infrastructure and systems

Afternoon: Meeting with the IT team

January 10

IT and Technology

Morning: Benefits explanation and HR policies

Afternoon: Meet with the HR team

Week 2: Cross-Departmental Training

January 13

Marketing and Sales

Morning: Marketing department overview

Afternoon: Sales department introduction

January 14

Product Development and R&D

Morning: Product development team presentation

Afternoon: Research and development overview

January 15

Operations and Supply Chain

Morning: Operations department introduction

Afternoon: Supply chain overview

January 16

Customer Support and Service

Morning: Customer support team presentation

Afternoon: Service department introduction

January 17

Legal and Compliance

Morning: Legal department overview

Afternoon: Compliance and regulatory requirements

January 27

Final Meetings and Feedback

Morning: Meeting with mentor or supervisor

Afternoon: Share feedback on the onboarding process

January 28

Departmental Integration

Morning: Attend departmental meetings or projects

Afternoon: Begin to actively participate in departmental work

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