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Training Policy Schedule HR

Training Policy Schedule

Training Objectives

The Employee Development Program aims to enhance the skills and knowledge of employees to support their professional growth within [Your Company]. Specific objectives include:

  • Improve leadership and management skills.

  • Enhance technical and soft skills.

  • Foster a culture of continuous learning and development.

  • Prepare employees for career advancement within the organization.

Training Curriculum

The training program consists of the following modules:

Module Number

Module Title

Duration (Hours)

Module 1

Leadership Essentials


Module 2

Advanced Technical Skills


Module 3

Effective Communication


Module 4

Project Management


Duration and Timing

  • Start Date: [Insert Start Date]

  • End Date: [Insert End Date]

  • Training Sessions: Weekly on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM.

Training Methods

Training methods will include a combination of instructor-led lectures, group discussions, case studies, and hands-on workshops.

Instructors or Trainers

Experienced trainers and subject matter experts from within [Your Company] will facilitate the training sessions. Trainer profiles are available upon request.

Training Resources

  • Training materials and resources will be provided to participants.

  • Access to relevant software and equipment will be granted as needed.

Assessment and Evaluation

  • Participants will be evaluated through quizzes, assignments, and a final examination.

  • Grading criteria are as follows: A (90-100%), B (80-89%), C (70-79%), and D (60-69%).

  • A passing grade of C or higher is required to complete each module successfully.

Feedback and Improvement

Continuous feedback from participants will be collected after each module. Suggestions and recommendations will be used to improve the training program.

Policies and Guidelines

  • Participants are expected to attend all training sessions punctually.

  • Plagiarism and academic misconduct are strictly prohibited.

  • Code of conduct guidelines must be followed throughout the program.

Certification or Completion Requirements

Participants who successfully complete all modules and achieve a passing grade for each will receive a Certificate of Completion.

Budget and Funding

The budget for the Employee Development Program is $[Insert Budget Amount], allocated from the HR Training and Development fund.

Communication Plan

Regular email updates, announcements, and a dedicated online platform will be used to communicate program information and updates to participants.

Contingency Plans

In case of unforeseen events or disruptions, such as technical issues, alternative training delivery methods will be explored, and participants will be notified promptly.

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