Free Attendance and Punctuality Report HR Template



Free Attendance and Punctuality Report HR Template

Attendance and Punctuality Report

Section 1: Report Overview

1.1 Purpose

The Attendance and Punctuality Report serves as a crucial tool for monitoring and assessing employees' attendance and punctuality in the workplace. This report aids in promoting a culture of accountability and helps identify areas for improvement in this important aspect of employee performance.

1.2 Scope

This report covers all employees within the organization and is generated on a monthly basis to provide insights into attendance and punctuality trends.

1.3 Definitions

  • Attendance: The act of being present at the workplace during scheduled working hours.

  • Punctuality: The quality of being on time and adhering to the established work schedule.

  • Absence: Any instance where an employee is not present at the workplace during scheduled working hours.

Section 2: Report Period

2.1 Reporting Month

Month: January 2050

Section 3: Employee Information

3.1 Employee Details

  • Employee Name: Jared Fujii

  • Employee ID: EMP75247

  • Department: Sales

  • Supervisor: Frederic Semon

3.2 Attendance Summary

Total Working Days

  • Scheduled Working Days: 21

  • Actual Working Days: 20

Total Absences

Total Absences: 1 day

Reason for Absence: Medical leave

3.3 Punctuality Summary

Average Arrival Time: 9:03 AM

Number of Late Arrivals: 2

Reason for Late Arrivals: Traffic delays

Section 4: Attendance Details
4.1 Attendance Record

Details of Absence (If Applicable)

Date: January 7, 2050

Scheduled Start Time: 8:30 AM

Actual Arrival Time: N/A

Attendance Status: Absent

Reason for Absence: Medical leave due to a severe cold.

4.2 Late Arrival Record

Date: January 15, 2050

Scheduled Start Time: 9:00 AM

Actual Arrival Time: 9:15 AM

Reason for Late Arrival: Heavy snowfall causing traffic delays.

Section 5: Supervisor's Comments

5.1 Comments on Attendance

Jared consistently demonstrates strong attendance. The single absence in January was due to a legitimate medical issue, and he promptly informed the department. No concerns in this regard.

5.2 Comments on Punctuality

While Jared's overall punctuality is good, there were a couple of instances of late arrivals this month. The snowfall incident on January 15th was beyond his control, and he informed us promptly. We'll monitor this aspect closely in the coming months.

Section 6: Employee's Acknowledgment

I, Jared Fujii, have reviewed this Attendance and Punctuality Report and acknowledge its accuracy.

Employee Signature: __________________________

Date: February 1, 2050

Section 7: Supervisor's Signature

I, Frederic Semon, confirm the accuracy of this report and have discussed its contents with the employee.

Supervisor Signature: __________________________

Date: February 1, 2050

HR Manager’s Signature: __________________________

Date: February 1, 2050

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