Free Cancellation of Housing Loan Letter Template



Free Cancellation of Housing Loan Letter Template

Cancellation of Housing Loan Letter

August 22, 2050






I, [YOUR NAME], write this letter with a Spartan tone of voice to officially request the cancellation of my current housing loan. I believe in clear, concise, and professional communication. Thus, I am taking this route to make the situation concise and official.

The reason behind this decision is [INSERT REASON HERE]. Due to these circumstances, continuing the loan is unfavorable and unfeasible. Thus, I hereby request the cancellation.

I have taken steps to ensure the repayment of the loan amount up to this date and have cleared any outstanding dues that may have accrued over time. Relevant documents supporting my claim are attached to this letter.

I kindly request that you process my request as soon as possible and provide written confirmation once the loan has been canceled. Please inform me of any procedures or information needed to facilitate this process.

Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter. Please do not hesitate to contact me at [YOUR EMAIL] if further information or clarification is required.

Yours Faithfully,


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