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Job Offer Confirmation Letter from Employer

Job Offer Confirmation Letter from Employer





March 20, 2050

Pamela Lively
63 Jones Street,
Dallas, TX 75207

Dear Ms. Lively,

We are pleased to offer you the position at Spark Sphere Technologies. We were impressed with your qualifications and experience and we strongly believe that you are going to make a significant contribution to our team. The details of the employment offer are as follows:

Your position is Senior Software Engineer and the starting salary will be $90,000 per year Salaries are paid monthly via direct deposit health insurance coverage sick leave and personal days as outlined in the company's policies, performance reviews will be conducted annually, with the opportunity for salary adjustments and promotions based on individual achievements and company performance

Employment is at-will, and either party may terminate the employment relationship at any time with or without cause and with or without notice, and severance pay will be provided by the company's severance policy

Please sign and return a copy of this letter by March 25, 2050, to accept the job offer. We look forward to welcoming you aboard. Congratulations, again, on your selection and we’re confident in your ability to make a significant contribution to the team.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

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