Free Recognition Points Allocation Schedule HR Template



Free Recognition Points Allocation Schedule HR Template


I. Introduction

A. Purpose of the Recognition Points Allocation Schedule

The purpose of this Recognition Points Allocation Schedule is to establish a structured system for the allocation and distribution of recognition points within our organization. This schedule serves as a guideline for the effective implementation of our Recognition Program, which aims to motivate and engage our employees by acknowledging their achievements, contributions, and exceptional performance.

B. Overview of the Recognition Program

Our Recognition Program is designed to create a culture of appreciation and engagement, fostering a positive work environment. Employees can earn recognition points for their outstanding efforts, which can be redeemed for various rewards and incentives.

II. Recognition Criteria

A. Define the specific criteria for earning recognition points


Recognition Points

Achievement of Performance Goals

10 points per goal

Contributions to Innovation

20 points per goal

Teamwork Excellence

15 points per goal

Outstanding Customer Service

15 points per goal

III. Points Value

A. Specify the value of recognition points

Each recognition point is equivalent to $1 USD. This means that for every point earned, an employee has the option to redeem it for a reward or incentive of a corresponding monetary value.

B. Explain how points translate to rewards or incentives

For example, if an employee earns 100 recognition points, they can redeem them for a $100 gift card, merchandise, or other incentives available in our Rewards Catalog.

IV. Point Allocation Methods

A. Fixed Awards

Recognition Type

Recognition Points

Outstanding Performance

50 points

Employee of the Month

100 points

B. Performance-Based

Performance Rating

Recognition Points

Exceeds Expectations

30 points

Meets Expectations

20 points

Needs Improvement

10 points

C. Peer Nominations


Recognition Points

Peer Nomination (up to 3 nominations/month)

10 points per nomination

D. Manager Recommendations


Recognition Points

Manager Recommendation (per case)

Review by Recognition Committee

V. Point Expiry and Redemption

A. Point Expiry

Recognition points will not expire, allowing employees to accumulate points over time.

B. Point Redemption

Employees can redeem their recognition points at any time by visiting our dedicated online platform and selecting rewards from the Rewards Catalog. Points can be redeemed in full or in part.

C. Restrictions on Redemption

Recognition points cannot be exchanged for cash, and the redemption of points is subject to tax regulations.

VI. Recognition Committee

A. Committee Responsibility

The Recognition Committee, comprising HR and management representatives, is responsible for overseeing the point allocation process. They will ensure fairness and consistency in the recognition program.

B. Committee Role

The committee will meet monthly to review nominations, manager recommendations, and performance-based allocations, ensuring adherence to the established criteria.

VII. Communication Plan

A. Employee Awareness

Employees will be informed about the Recognition Program and their point balances through email notifications, intranet updates, and regular meetings.

B. Communication Materials

Communication materials, such as posters and brochures, will be distributed to ensure employees understand the program and its benefits.

VIII. Frequency

A. Point Allocation Frequency

Recognition points will be allocated every quarter, with performance-based points reviewed annually.

B. Special Occasions

On special occasions, such as company anniversaries or major milestones, additional recognition points may be awarded.

IX. Reporting and Tracking

A. Point Tracking System

Recognition points will be tracked and managed through our online Recognition Management System (RMS), which will record point allocations, redemptions, and point balances.

B. Responsible Parties

The HR department will be responsible for maintaining records and resolving any issues related to recognition points.

X. Rewards Catalog

A. Catalog Availability

The Rewards Catalog, available on our RMS, provides employees with a list of available rewards and their corresponding point values. The catalog will be updated annually and may include options like gift cards, travel vouchers, and merchandise.

XI. Appeals or Disputes

A. Appeals Process

Employees have the right to appeal point allocations or report discrepancies. Appeals should be submitted within 30 days of the point allocation, and the Recognition Committee will review and resolve any disputes.

B. Resolution Timeline

Disputes will be resolved within 15 business days, and employees will receive notification of the outcome.

XII. Budget Allocation

A. Budget Allocation

Budget Item

Allocation Amount

Rewards and Incentives


Administrative Costs


B. Allocation Breakdown

The $50,000 for rewards and incentives will be further divided based on anticipated point allocation, and the $10,000 administrative costs include software, materials, and committee expenses.

XIII. Legal and Compliance Considerations

A. Legal Compliance

Our Recognition Program is designed to comply with all relevant labor laws, employment regulations, and tax requirements. Legal reviews and approvals have been sought to ensure compliance.

XIV. Feedback Mechanism

A. Feedback Collection

An anonymous feedback mechanism will be available for employees to provide suggestions and concerns about the Recognition Program. Feedback can be submitted through the RMS.

B. Feedback Implementation

Feedback will be reviewed by the Recognition Committee, and improvements to the program will be implemented as necessary.

XV. Performance Metrics

A. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

KPIs will be used to measure the effectiveness of the Recognition Program. Key metrics include:

  • Employee engagement

  • Employee retention

  • Employee performance ratings

B. Assessment Period

KPIs will be assessed annually, and adjustments to the program will be made based on the results.

XVI. Duration

A. Program Duration

The Recognition Points Allocation Schedule is an ongoing program with no specified end date. It will be subject to periodic reviews and updates to ensure its effectiveness.

XVII. Conclusion

A. Summary

This Recognition Points Allocation Schedule outlines the systematic process for allocating recognition points within our organization. The Recognition Program aims to motivate and engage our employees by acknowledging their achievements, contributions, and performance. By adhering to this schedule, we ensure a fair and transparent process for recognition.

B. Employee Participation

We encourage all employees to actively participate in the program, nominate peers, and strive for excellence in their work. Together, we can create a culture of appreciation and recognition.

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