Free Year-End Bonus Schedule HR Template



Free Year-End Bonus Schedule HR Template

Year-End Bonus Schedule

The Year-End Bonus Schedule for 2050 outlines the distribution of year-end bonuses to eligible employees based on their performance and other relevant factors. This schedule has been prepared by the HR Department of [Your Company Name] to ensure transparency and fairness in bonus allocation.


Eligibility Criteria

Bonus Percentage

November 15

All employees who have completed at least 1 year of service as of November 15th.


December 1

Employees with an “Exceeds Expectations” performance rating and a minimum of 3 years of service.


December 15

Employees with a “Meets Expectations” performance rating and 1-2 years of service.


January 5

Employees with an “Exceeds Expectations” performance rating and 5 or more years of service.


February 1

Employees with a “Meets Expectations” performance rating and 3 or more years of service.


February 15

Employees with a “Below Expectations” performance rating and a minimum of 1 year of service.



This Year-End Bonus Schedule serves as a guide for bonus allocation based on the performance and other criteria set forth by [Your Company Name]. Please note that bonus percentages and eligibility criteria may vary from year to year and are subject to the discretion of the company.

The bonuses listed in this schedule are calculated based on the information available at the time of preparation. Any discrepancies or disputes regarding bonuses should be reported to the HR Department for resolution.


I, [Your Name], as the HR Manager of [Your Company Name], certify that the Year-End Bonus Schedule for 2050 has been reviewed and approved for accuracy.

HR Manager's Signature:


Date: December 15, 2050

HR Templates