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Productivity Report HR

Prepared on: [Date]

Executive Summary

The Executive Summary provides a concise overview of the productivity report, highlighting key findings, recommendations, and the overall state of productivity within the organization.

In the reporting period, [Your Company Name]'s productivity remained steady. Employee output increased by [x]%, with a [x]% reduction in the cost per unit. However, there was a slight increase in the employee absenteeism rate, which warrants attention. The following report delves into these aspects in detail.


[Your Company Name] is committed to ensuring high productivity levels to meet customer demands and maintain competitiveness. This report assesses the productivity of the Sales and Marketing Department for the [x] quarter of [Year].

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

The following KPIs were used to measure productivity:

KPI 1: Employee Output

  • Definition: The number of units sold per employee.

  • Data: [Year] - [x] units per employee.

KPI 2: Cost per Unit

  • Definition: The cost incurred per unit sold.

  • Data: [Year] - [x] per unit.

KPI 3: Employee Absenteeism Rate

  • Definition: The percentage of scheduled work hours missed due to employee absences.

  • Data: [Year] - [x]%.

Data Collection and Analysis

Data was collected through employee performance records and departmental expense reports. The analysis revealed the following trends:

Performance Trends

  • Employee output increased by [x]% compared to the previous quarter.

  • The cost per unit decreased by [x]% due to better resource allocation.

  • The employee absenteeism rate increased by [x]% from the previous quarter.

Resource Allocation

Resources were allocated efficiently, with a focus on optimizing staffing levels and reducing unnecessary expenses.

Comparison and Benchmarking

[Your Company Name]'s performance was compared to industry benchmarks, showing that the company performs above average in terms of employee output but slightly below average in employee absenteeism.


Based on the analysis, the following recommendations are provided:

  • Implement an employee wellness program to address absenteeism.

  • Continue to optimize resource allocation for cost control.

  • Recognize and reward high-performing employees.


Employee output by department


In conclusion, [Your Company Name] has shown positive productivity trends, but the increase in employee absenteeism is a concern. Addressing this issue and implementing the recommendations will further enhance productivity in the upcoming quarter.

Prepared by:

[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Your Company Name]

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