Free Gift Letter for Trust Fund Template



Free Gift Letter for Trust Fund Template

Gift Letter for Trust Fund


[Email Address]

[Phone Number]

March 15, 2053

Harriet Booker
1048 Sycamore Road
La Grande, OR 97850

Dear Ms. Booker,

I'm writing to you to formally announce my intention to make a generous gift for the sole purpose of funding a trust. This gift represents my unwavering support and commitment to the trust, its goals, and its objectives undertaking. The gift agreeing to fund the trust consists of assets or funds to be transferred to your custody. The provision terms of utilizing these gifted funds or assets are entirely for the trust's benefit and enhancement. I kindly request your oversight to ensure the funds are used correctly, reflecting the nature of the gift and its purposes.

Please be informed further that this donation comes without any personal benefit to me, beyond the satisfaction of assisting in the crucial mission of the trust. I hope that my contribution will inspire others to take a similar approach towards supporting such a noble cause.

Kindly accept my gift and rest assured in knowing the aim behind this gesture is to uplift and secure the future of the trust. I look forward to your acknowledgment of this letter and the successful transfer of the funds or assets.

Thank you for your attention to this matter and your dedicated stewardship of the trust.

Best Regards,


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