Free Operations Absence Report Slip Template



Free Operations Absence Report Slip Template

Operations Absence Report Slip

Instructions: Fill out the slip with your details, absence dates, and reason. Submit to your supervisor and HR within two business days of returning. Attach documentation if required. Sign to acknowledge accuracy.

Employee Name: [Your Name]

Position/Title: [Logistics Coordinator]

Employee Email:  [Your Email]

Employee Number:

Department/Team: [Logistics and Supply Chain]

Date(s) of Absence: [Month, Day, Year] to  [Month, Day, Year] 

Absence Information

Reason for Absence

  • Sickness

  •  Personal Emergency

  •  Family Responsibility

  •  Bereavement

  •  Jury Duty

  •  Other (Please Specify): __________________

If Sickness, a medical certificate is attached:

  • Yes

  • No

Comments/Additional Information:

Approval and Notification

Immediate Supervisor/Manager Name:

[Henry Reyes]


  • Approved

  • Not Approved

HR Review:

Signatory’s Verification: _________________________

Signatory’s Title: [HR Manager]

Date: [Month, Day, Year]

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