Semester Schedule

Semester Schedule

Welcome to the Fall 2050 Semester Schedule! This comprehensive guide outlines the key dates, deadlines, and events for the upcoming semester. Whether you're a student, faculty member, or staff member, this schedule will serve as your roadmap for the term ahead. Please review the schedule carefully and mark important dates in your calendar to ensure a successful and productive semester.




January 2

Registration Begins

The day when students can start signing up for classes

January 16

Last Day of Registration

Final day students can sign up for courses

January 17

First Day of Classes

The official start of the academic semester

March 5

Midterm Examinations

Exam week for all midterm assessments

March 19

Spring Break Starts

No classes, beginning of Spring break

March 25

Spring Break Ends

Classes resume after Spring break

May 1

Last Day of Classes

The official end of the academic semester

May 2

Final Examinations

Week of final examinations for all subjects

May 15


Graduation ceremonies


This is a preliminary schedule and is subject to change. Please check regularly for updates.

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