Semester Class Schedule

Semester Class Schedule

This schedule is a detailed plan that outlines the specific classes a student is enrolled in for a given semester. This schedule includes vital information such as the days and times classes are held, the classrooms they are held in, and the professors teaching each class. It functions both as an organizational tool and a roadmap for a student’s academic journey during a semester.

Semester Class Schedule

YEAR: 2050 -2051

Course Name


Meeting Times


Calculus I

Prof. John Doe

Mondays, Wednesdays:


Building A, Room 208

Introduction to Literature

Dr. Jane Smith

Tuesdays, Thursdays:


Building B, Room 105

Chemistry 101

Dr. Robert Williams

Wednesdays, Fridays:


Science Lab 3, Room 302

History of Art

Prof. Emily Johnson

Mondays, Wednesdays:


Building D, Room 406

French 201

Mme. Claire Davis

Tuesdays, Thursdays:


Building C, Room 509


Prof. Mark Brown

Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays:


Building E, Room 112

Psychology 101

Dr. Jennifer Miller

Tuesdays, Thursdays:


Building F, Room 221

English Composition

Prof. James Wilson

Mondays, Wednesdays: 16:00-17:15

Building G, Room 322

Computer Science 101

Prof. Linda Martinez

Tuesdays, Thursdays:


Computer Lab 1, Room 407


  • Please note that this schedule is subject to change. Always check the latest updates on classroom locations or timings.

  • Additional courses may be added throughout the semester, and students should check with their academic advisors for the most current information.

  • Special events, holidays, or exam dates will be communicated separately.

  • Students are advised to arrive on time and be prepared for each class session.

  • For any schedule-related queries, students can contact the Registrar's Office.

Prepared By: [Your Name]

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