Vitamin Schedule

Vitamin Schedule

This schedule is meticulously crafted to provide you with a clear and structured plan for incorporating essential vitamins into your routine, ensuring that you receive the necessary nutrients to support your overall health. Whether you're a student, a working professional, or someone simply seeking to enhance your well-being, this template offers a practical solution to stay on track with your vitamin intake.

Prepared By: [Your Name]

Type of Vitamin/Supplement


Frequency of Intake

Additional Notes

Vitamin C

500 mg

Every morning

Taken with a meal

Vitamin D

1000 IU

Every evening

Taken before bedtime

Probiotic Supplement

1 capsule

Every afternoon

Take after lunch

Iron Supplement

60 mg

Every 2 days in the morning

Do not take with dairy


600 mg

Every afternoon

Taken with lunch

Omega 3 Fish Oil

1000 mg

Twice a day

No specific notes


1 tablet

Every morning

Take with a glass of water

Fiber Supplement

1 spoon

Every evening

Mix with a glass of water

Zinc Supplement

30 mg

Every 3 days

No specific notes


  • Take each vitamin with meals for better absorption.

  • Remember to stay hydrated throughout the day.

  • You can adjust timings according to personal preference and consultation with a healthcare professional.

  • Regular exercise complements the vitamin intake for overall well-being.

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