Wedding Hair And Makeup Schedule

Wedding Hair And Makeup Schedule

Preparing for your wedding day involves meticulous planning, and one crucial element is ensuring that everyone looks and feels their best. The Wedding Hair and Makeup Schedule serves as a structured timeline, ensuring that the bride, bridesmaids, and other key individuals receive their beauty services seamlessly. This schedule, carefully organized from morning to afternoon, outlines specific time slots for hair styling and makeup application, providing a clear overview of the preparation process.

Time Slot



08:00 AM

Bride's Hair Styling

09:00 AM

Bride's makeup

10:00 AM

Bridesmaid 1 Hair Styling

11:00 AM

Bridesmaid 1 Makeup

12:00 PM

Bridesmaid 2 Hair Styling

Lunch Break

01:00 PM

Bridesmaid 2 Makeup

02:00 PM

Mother of the Bride Hair Styling

03:00 PM

Mother of the Bride Makeup

04:00 PM

Final Touch-ups

Ensure everyone is photo-ready

05:00 PM

Departure for the Ceremony


Please note that this schedule is a general guide. Adjustments may be made based on individual styling needs and other factors. It is recommended that everyone arrives with clean, dry hair and a makeup-free face. Ensure a calm and enjoyable atmosphere for the wedding preparations. If there are any specific preferences or considerations, feel free to communicate them in advance. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding!

Prepared By:

[Your Name]

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