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Marketing Monthly Performance Report

Marketing Monthly Performance Report

Date: [Month Day, Year]

Executive Summary

In [Date], the marketing team at [Your Company Name] continued to make strides in driving brand awareness, website traffic, and lead generation. Despite some challenges, we achieved significant milestones in various marketing channels.

Key Performance Metrics:

Website Traffic

Content Marketing

  • Total Website Visits: 32,567 (↑ 12% MoM)

  • New Visitors: 19,345 (↑ 8% MoM)

  • Page Views: 98,456 (↑ 15% MoM)

  • Blog Posts Published: 12

  • Average Time on Page: 2 minutes 54 seconds (↑ 7% MoM)

  • Email Newsletter Subscribers: 3,589 (↑ 10% MoM)

Social Media

Email Marketing

  • Facebook Followers: 12,345 (↑ 5% MoM)

  • Twitter Followers: 9,876 (↑ 4% MoM)

  • Instagram Followers: 15,432 (↑ 6% MoM)

  • Total Email Campaigns Sent: 8

  • Open Rate: 22.5% (↑ 2% MoM)

  • Click-Through Rate: 6.8% (↑ 1.5% MoM)

Paid Advertising

Lead Generation

  • Google Ads Click-Through Rate (CTR): 3.7% (↓ 1% MoM)

  • Facebook Ads Click-Through Rate (CTR): 2.5% (↑ 0.5% MoM)

  • Total Ad Spend: $15,000

  • Total Leads Generated: 586 (↑ 20% MoM)

  • Marketing-Qualified Leads (MQLs): 189 (↑ 15% MoM)

  • Sales-Qualified Leads (SQLs): 79 (↑ 10% MoM)

Conversion Rates:

  • Website Conversion Rate: 2.8% (↑ 0.5% MoM)

  • MQL to SQL Conversion Rate: 42% (↑ 3% MoM)

  • Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC): $120 (↓ 8% MoM)

Marketing Initiatives:

Content Marketing:

  • Increased the frequency of blog posts, resulting in higher website traffic and longer average time on page.

  • Launched a successful email newsletter campaign that led to a significant increase in subscribers.

Social Media:

  • Implemented engaging social media campaigns, including user-generated content and polls, to boost follower growth.

Email Marketing:

  • Improved email open and click-through rates through A/B testing of subject lines and content.

Paid Advertising:

  • Optimized Google Ads campaigns for better performance, though Facebook Ads CTR saw a slight increase.

Lead Generation:

  • Implemented a lead scoring system to better identify and prioritize high-quality leads.

Conversion Rates:

  • Conducted A/B testing on the website to enhance user experience and increase conversion rates.


  • Google Ads CTR saw a decrease, which we are actively addressing by refining targeting and ad copy.

  • While overall website traffic increased, the bounce rate remains relatively high. We will work on improving landing page content and user experience.

Future Initiatives:

  • Explore new advertising platforms to diversify the marketing mix and reduce dependency on Google Ads and Facebook Ads.

  • Invest in SEO optimization to further increase organic search traffic.

  • Continue refining lead scoring and nurturing processes to enhance the MQL to SQL conversion rate.

  • Evaluate the feasibility of influencer marketing to increase brand visibility on social media.

Financial Summary:

Total Marketing Spend: 


Revenue Generated:


Return on Investment (ROI): 



The marketing team at [Your Company Name] made substantial progress in [Date], with remarkable growth in website traffic, lead generation, and engagement on various channels. While challenges remain, we are committed to continuous improvement and look forward to implementing new strategies in the coming months.

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