Shooting Schedule

Shooting Schedule

The Shooting Schedule serves as a roadmap for the entire production team, detailing when and where each scene will be filmed, as well as indicating important milestones such as crew and actor calls, set preparations, rehearsals, and breaks. The shooting schedule ensures efficient use of time and resources, helping to keep the production on track and within budget.

Time Slot



8:00 AM

Crew Call

All crew members arrive on set

8:30 AM

Set Preparation

Set dressing, lighting setup, camera checks

9:00 AM

Actor Call

Actors arrive on set

9:30 AM

Hair and Makeup

Actors go through hair and makeup

10:00 AM


Cast and crew run through scenes

11:00 AM

First Scene

Scene 1: Int. Living Room - Dialogue

1:00 PM

Lunch Break

Catering provides lunch for cast and crew

2:00 PM

Second Scene

Scene 2: Ext. Park - Action Sequence

4:00 PM

Lighting Adjustments

Tweaks to lighting setups as per cinematographer

4:30 PM

Third Scene

Scene 3: Int. Office - Group Discussion

6:30 PM

Wrap for Extras

Release extras from the set

7:00 PM

Fourth Scene

Ext. Street - Chase Sequence

9:00 PM

Wrap for Cast and Crew

Pack up equipment, wrap for the day

Prepared By: [YOUR NAME]

Remark: Please note that this schedule is subject to change based on production needs and unforeseen circumstances.

Schedule Templates @