Weekly Reading Schedule

Weekly Reading Schedule

Welcome to the Weekly Reading Schedule designed to help you manage your course readings and assignments efficiently. This schedule provides a structured plan for your weekly academic pursuits, ensuring you stay on track with your studies.





Week 1

02/29 - 03/06

  • Introduction to the course textbook

  • Chapter 1: Fundamentals of Biology

  • Supplementary article: ''Key Concepts in Biology''

Complete pre-course survey

Week 2

03/07 - 03/13

  • Chapter 2: Advanced Topics in Biology

  • Academic Journal: ''Recent Advances in Biology''

Quiz 1 (Chapters 1 & 2)

Week 3

03/14 - 03/20

  • Chapter 3: Applications of Biology

  • Guest Lecture: ''Industry Insights in Biology''

Written Reflection: Real-world Biology


Week 4

03/21 - 03/27

  • Chapter 4: Case Studies in Biology

  • Podcast Episode: ''Exploring Biology Trends''

Group Project Proposal


  • Ensure to actively engage with the readings by taking notes and highlighting key points.

  • Plan your time effectively to accommodate both readings and assignments.

  • Don't hesitate to reach out for clarification or assistance with any materials.

Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]

Schedule Templates @ Template.net