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Sales Presentation Schedule

Sales Presentation Schedule

Presentation Details

This section provides an overview of the upcoming sales presentation.


[Your Company Name]

Presentation Date

[Month Day, Year]

Presentation Time

10:00 AM

Presentation Team


[Employee Name]

Sales Team

[Employee Name], [Employee Name]

Supporting Team

[Employee Name], Tech Support

[Employee Name], Note- Taker


A. Pre-Presentation Preparation

  • Date: [Month Day, Year]

  • Time: 2:00 PM


  1. Review Presentation Content: The team will go over the presentation slides and ensure that all information is accurate and up-to-date.

  2. Ensure Technical Setup: For this virtual presentation, we'll ensure that the online platform, audio, and video settings are working smoothly.

  3. Final Rehearsal: The presenter, [Employee Name], will run through the presentation one more time, addressing any last-minute concerns or questions.

B. Presentation Day

  • Date: [Month Day, Year]

  • Time: 10:00 AM


  1. Arrival and Set-Up: The team will arrive early to set up the presentation equipment and ensure everything is in order.

  2. Welcome and Introduction: [Employee Name] will start the presentation with a warm welcome and a brief introduction.

  3. Presentation by [Employee Name]: The main presentation will begin, covering key points and addressing the client's needs.

  4. Q&A Session: After the presentation, there will be a question and answer session to address any inquiries or concerns.

  5. Closing Remarks: [Employee Name] will provide closing remarks, summarizing the presentation's main takeaways.

  6. Post-Presentation Discussion: The team will engage in a post-presentation discussion to assess the client's response and feedback.

C. Post-Presentation Follow-up

  • Date: [Month Day, Year]

  • Time: 3:00 PM


  1. Debrief and Feedback: The team will discuss the presentation's success, including what went well and areas for improvement.

  2. Action Items for Follow-up: Based on client feedback, the team will outline any necessary action items or adjustments.

  3. Client Engagement Plan: We will create a plan for further engagement with the client to address their specific needs.

Additional Notes

  • Ensure that all participants have the necessary Zoom link and access details.

  • Technical support will be available throughout the presentation to handle any technical issues.

  • Presenter's backup slides and materials are ready in case of technical difficulties.

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