Free Sales Presentation SLA for Service/Product Reveal Template



Free Sales Presentation SLA for Service/Product Reveal Template

Sales Presentation SLA for Service/Product Reveal

This Sales Presentation SLA for Service/Product Reveal is entered by and between [Your Company Name], with a business address at [Your Company Address], referred to as the Supplier, and [Your Partner Company Name / Second Party], with a business address at [Your Partner Company Name / Second Party Address], referred to as the Customer.

Whereas, the Supplier is engaged in providing innovative solution, transforming industries with cutting-edge technology and desires to present this offering to potential customers.

Whereas, the Customer has expressed an interest in exploring the features and benefits of the aforementioned [Service/Product Name] as provided by the Supplier.

I. Purpose

The purpose of this Sales Presentation SLA is to outline the terms and conditions governing the presentation of [Service/Product Name] by the Supplier to the Customer and/or its designated representatives.

II. Terms and Conditions

A. Date, Time, and Duration

The Supplier and the Customer shall mutually agree upon a date, time, and estimated duration for the presentation. Any changes to this schedule shall be communicated and agreed upon by both parties in advance.

B. Content of the Presentation

The Supplier shall prepare a comprehensive presentation outlining the key features, benefits, and unique aspects of the [Service/Product Name]. This content shall be shared with the Customer for review and approval prior to the presentation date.

C. Audience and Venue

The parties shall identify the intended audience for the presentation and determine the venue or platform for conducting the presentation (e.g., in-person, virtual, specific meeting room, online platform).

D. Presentation Format

The format of the presentation, whether it involves live demonstrations, slideshows, videos, or any other method, shall be discussed and agreed upon by both parties.

E. Supplier Responsibilities

The Supplier shall ensure that all necessary materials, including presentation slides, demos, and handouts, are prepared and ready for the scheduled presentation. Additionally, the Supplier agrees to have knowledgeable representatives available to address any queries or concerns raised during the presentation.

F. Follow-Up Plan

Following the presentation, the Supplier shall promptly follow up with the Customer to address any additional questions, provide further information as requested, and discuss next steps, which may include arranging further meetings or providing additional materials.

III. Termination

Either party may terminate this Sales Presentation SLA with prior written notice in the event of unforeseen circumstances or a breach of agreed-upon terms.

IV. Governing Law

This SLA shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction].

V. Signatures

Both parties acknowledge their understanding and agreement to the terms and conditions outlined in this Sales Presentation SLA by affixing their signatures below.

Supplier Signature:

[Month Day, Year]

Customer Signature:

[Month Day, Year]

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