Free Non-Compliance Report Template



Free Non-Compliance Report Template

Non-Compliance Report

Date: [Date of Report]

Reported By: [Your Name]

1. Introduction:

This Non-Compliance Report is being filed to document and address a violation of the company's dress code policy. The report details the violation, the actions taken in response, and recommendations for corrective action. It is intended to ensure compliance with company policies and regulations and to prevent future violations.

2. Violation Details:

  • Failure to comply with company dress code policy.

  • Date and time of violation: [Date and Time]

  • Location of violation: [Your Company Address]

  • Description of violation: The employee arrived at work wearing inappropriate attire, which is against the company's dress code policy.

3. Evidence:

  • Photo of the employee's attire

  • Witness statements from colleagues who observed the violation

4. Action Taken:

Verbal warning issued

Written warning issued

Other action taken: [Specify]

5. Recommendations for Corrective Action:

Training or retraining on the company's dress code policy.

Monitoring of compliance

Other recommendations: [Specify]

6. Follow-Up Required:

Follow-up investigation required

Follow-up meeting scheduled: [Date and Time]

No further action required

7. Reported to:

Immediate supervisor

Compliance officer

Human Resources

Other: [Specify]


The employee acknowledged the violation and agreed to adhere to the dress code policy in the future. A follow-up meeting is scheduled for [Date] to ensure compliance.

[Employee Name]

[Date Signed]


[Your Name]

[Your Company Name]

[Date Signed]

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