Free Weekly Status Report Template



Free Weekly Status Report Template

Weekly Status Report

I. Overview

This report provides a summary of the progress made during the week ending August 5, 2050. It includes updates on key tasks, achievements, and upcoming activities.

II. Key Highlights

  • Completed tasks for Project A.

  • Initiated phase two of Project B.

  • Conducted stakeholder meeting on August 2, 2050.

  • Launched new feature on the Company Website.

III. Progress Details

A. Project

  • Task 1: Market research—completed on August 1, 2050.

  • Task 2: Prototype development—80% complete.

B. Project B

  • Task 1: Kick-off meeting—held on August 3, 2050.

  • Task 2: Requirement gathering—ongoing.

IV. Issues and Concerns

No significant issues were encountered this week. Minor delays in Project A due to [undefined].

V. Activities Planned for Next Week

  • Continue development for Project A.

  • Complete requirement gathering for Project B.

  • Schedule a follow-up stakeholder meeting.

VI. Additional Notes

All team members are encouraged to update their individual progress reports by Monday morning.

VII. Contact Information

Company Name:

[Your Company Name]


[Your Company Email]


[Your Company Number]


[Your Company Address]


[Your Company Website]

Social Media:

[Your Company Social Media]

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