Free QA Weekly Status Report Template



Free QA Weekly Status Report Template

QA Weekly Status Report

I. General Information

Your Company Name: [Your Company Name]

Report Prepared By: [Your Name]

Report Date: [Date]

Contact Email: [Your Email]

II. Summary of Activities

A. Completed Tasks

  • Completed Unit Testing for Project XYZ

  • Conducted Integration Testing for Module ABC

  • Closed 15 out of 20 identified bugs

B. Ongoing Tasks

  • Performance Testing for System DEF

  • Security Testing for Application GHI

  • Regression Testing for recent updates

III. Metrics




Unit Testing


Completed on May 18, 2050

Integration Testing


Expected to complete by May 21, 2050

Bug Fixing


5 bugs remaining

IV. Issues and Risks

1. Issue: Delayed integration test results.

Impact: Can delay overall project timeline.

Action: Allocating additional resources.

2. Risk: Potential undefined requirement changes.

Impact: High risk of rework and delays.

Action: Schedule a review meeting with stakeholders.

V. Plan for Next Week

  1. Complete ongoing integration testing.

  2. Initiate User Acceptance Testing (UAT) for Project XYZ

  3. Organize a training session for the new QA tools.

VI. Additional Notes

All test cases and results have been documented and are available in the QA repository.

Next team meeting is scheduled for May 24, 2050.

VII. Contact Information

Company Address: [Your Company Address]

Company Number: [Your Company Number]

Company Website: [Your Company Website]

Company Social Media: [Your Company Social Media]

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