Pest Control Service Report

Pest Control Service Report

I. Client Information

Client Name: John Doe

Date of Service: January 1, 2050

II. Technician Information

Technician Name: [Your Name]

Technician Contact: [Your Company Number]

III. Service Details

Service Address

1234 Elm Street, Springfield, ZZ 67890

Type of Service

Quarterly Pest Control

Areas Treated

Interior, Exterior, Garage, Basement

Materials Used



Application Method

Ant Bait

5 traps

Placed strategically

Insecticide Spray

2 liters

Sprayed around baseboards

Pests Targeted

  • Ants

  • Spiders

  • Roaches

Weather Conditions

Sunny, 75°F

Safety Precautions

  • Clients advised to keep pets and children away from treated areas for 24 hours

  • Warning signs posted around treated zones

IV. Observations and Recommendations


Increased ant activity near the kitchen.

Spider webs found in basement corners.


Reapply ant bait and insecticides in three months.

Regularly check and clean basement areas.

V. Summary and Next Steps

Service Summary

All targeted pests were treated with appropriate materials and methods. Technician observed an increase in ant activity and recommended follow-up actions.

Next Scheduled Service

April 1, 2050

VI. Signature and Approval

Technician Signature:

Client Signature:

VII. Contact Information

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact us:

Address: [Your Company Address]

Email: [Your Company Email]

Website: [Your Company Website]

Social Media: [Your Company Social Media]

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