Free School Nurse Incident Report Template



Free School Nurse Incident Report Template

School Nurse Incident Report

I. Incident Details

  • Date: May 15, 2050

  • Time: 10:30 AM


  • Incident Type: Illness

II. Student Information

  • Student Name: [STUDENT'S NAME]

  • Grade: 3rd Grade

  • Age: 8

  • Gender: Female

III. Description of Incident

At approximately 10:30 AM on May 15, 2050, the school nurse, [YOUR NAME], was informed by [TEACHER'S NAME], [STUDENT'S NAME]'s teacher, that she was feeling unwell during class. The teacher reported that the student appeared pale, complained of nausea, dizziness, and a headache, and asked to be excused from class. Concerned about her condition, the teacher escorted her to the school nurse's clinic.

Upon arrival, the student appeared fatigued and visibly uncomfortable. The school nurse conducted a thorough assessment, including measuring her vital signs. The student's temperature was recorded at 100.5°F, and she exhibited a slightly elevated heart rate. During the assessment, the student mentioned feeling dizzy when standing up and experiencing intermittent stomach discomfort.

IV. Actions Taken

  • Nurse [YOUR NAME] provided [STUDENT'S NAME] with a comfortable resting area in the infirmary and instructed her to lie down.

  • A cool compress was applied to the student's forehead to alleviate her headache.

  • The school nurse contacted the student's parents immediately to inform them of her condition and advised them to pick her up from school.

  • While waiting for her parents, the student was closely monitored by the nurse to ensure her condition did not worsen.

  • The school nurse documented all observations, actions taken, and communications with the student's parents in the school's medical records.

V. Follow-up Actions

  • Nurse [YOUR NAME] provided [STUDENT'S NAME]'s parents with recommendations for her care at home, including ensuring she gets plenty of rest, remains hydrated, and takes over-the-counter medication for her symptoms if necessary.

  • The school nurse scheduled a follow-up call with the student's parents within 24 hours to inquire about her recovery and offer any further assistance or guidance.

VI. Recommendations

  • Encourage [STUDENT'S NAME]'s parents to monitor her symptoms closely and seek medical attention if her condition does not improve or if new symptoms develop.

  • Recommend that the student's classroom and any shared surfaces be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected to prevent the spread of illness to other students.

VII. Additional Notes

  • [STUDENT'S NAME] has no known allergies or pre-existing medical conditions.

  • Nurse [YOUR NAME] observed that her symptoms appeared to improve slightly after resting in the infirmary but recommended further evaluation by a healthcare provider to rule out any underlying causes for her illness.

VIII. Conclusion

The incident involving [STUDENT'S NAME] has been documented thoroughly, and appropriate measures have been taken to address her health concerns. Nurse [YOUR NAME] will continue to monitor the student's condition and provide support as needed to ensure her well-being and swift recovery.

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