Free Incident Report for Medical Treatment Template



Free Incident Report for Medical Treatment Template

Incident Report for Medical Treatment

I. Incident Details

On May 30, 2054, at 10:00 AM, a medication error occurred in [YOUR COMPANY NAME], Ward 3A. Nurse Velma Massey administered Paracetamol 500mg orally to a patient, despite the medication not being prescribed for this patient.

II. Description of Incident

The error was identified when Nurse Jacob Howard witnessed the administration and noticed the discrepancy. The patient was scheduled to receive Ibuprofen 400mg, not Paracetamol. Immediate steps were taken to mitigate any potential harm.

III. Individuals Involved

  • Velma Massey: Registered Nurse responsible for administering medications.

  • Jacob Howard: Registered Nurse who witnessed the incident and reported it.

IV. Witness Statement

Jacob Howard: "I witnessed Nurse Velma Massey administer the medication to the patient. Upon checking the patient’s chart, I realized the error and reported it immediately."

V. Actions Taken

Immediate Actions Taken

Follow-Up Actions

Notified senior nurse and physician

Reviewed medication administration protocol with staff

Monitored patient closely

Implemented additional training sessions for nurses

VI. Outcome

  1. Patient Outcome:

    The patient experienced no adverse effects from the error. Vital signs were monitored every 30 minutes for four hours post-administration, and no abnormalities were detected.

  2. Healthcare Worker Outcome:

    Nurse Velma Massey received further training to reinforce the importance of verifying medication orders before administration. The hospital also decided to implement periodic competency checks for all nursing staff.

VII. Signature



May 30, 2054

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