Free Student Behavior Incident Report Template



Free Student Behavior Incident Report Template

Student Behavior Incident Report

I. Incident Details



Date of Incident

May 15, 2050

Time of Incident

10:30 AM



Student(s) Involved

Name of Student 1

David D. Duff

Name of Student 2

Grace D. Wilson

Description of Incident:

During lunchtime, David and Grace engaged in a verbal altercation that escalated into a physical altercation. The altercation involved pushing and shoving between the two students.

II. Witness Information

Witness 1


Sarah Johnson

Contact Information:

Witness 2


Michael Lee

Contact Information:

III. Actions Taken

A. Immediate Actions Taken:

  • School staff intervened immediately to separate the students and ensure their safety.

  • The school nurse provided medical assistance to any injured parties.

B. Follow-Up Actions:

  • Both students were escorted to the principal's office for further investigation.

  • Parents of both students were contacted and informed about the incident.

IV. Consequences

A. Disciplinary Action Taken:

Both students received a one-day suspension for their involvement in the altercation.

B. Support Provided:

Counseling sessions were offered to both students to address underlying issues contributing to the incident.

V. Recommendations

A. Preventive Measures:

  • Increase supervision during lunch periods to prevent similar incidents.

  • Implement conflict resolution programs to teach students effective ways to resolve conflicts peacefully.

B. Supportive Measures:

Offer ongoing support and counseling to both students to help them manage their emotions and develop healthier coping mechanisms.

VI. Additional Information


  • Incident report forms

  • Witness statements

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