Construction Project Activity Status Report

Construction Project Activity Status Report

I. Project Overview

Project Name: [Project Name]

Project Location: [Project Address]

Project Duration: [Date Duration]

Project Manager: [Your Name]

Project Objectives:

  • Construct a new 50-story office building.

  • Develop surrounding plaza and green space.

II. Current Progress

A. Construction Progress

  • Building Construction: Currently at 75% completion. Installation of elevators are ongoing.

  • Landscaping: 40% completed. Planting of trees and shrubs is underway.

  • Plaza Development: 60% finished. Fountain installation in progress.

B. Budget Status

  • Total Budget: $50,000,000

  • Expenses to Date: $35,000,000

  • Remaining Budget: $15,000,000

C. Schedule Status

  • Original Completion Date: December 31, 2054

  • Current Completion Estimate: February 28, 2055

  • Reasons for Delay: Permitting delays in Q2 2053.

III. Issues and Risks

  • Issue: Shortage of skilled labor for electrical works.

  • Risk: Potential delay in project completion if additional resources are not allocated promptly.

IV. Upcoming Milestones

  • Completion of Elevator Installation: Targeted for September 30, 2050.

  • Landscaping Completion: Expected by November 15, 2050.

  • Grand Opening Ceremony: Planned for March 1, 2055.

V. Next Steps

  1. Address labor shortage through recruitment or subcontracting.

  2. Accelerate landscaping efforts to meet deadlines.

  3. Coordinate with local authorities to expedite permit approvals.

VI. Key Contacts



Contact Information

David Rodriguez


[email protected]

Lisa Chen

Landscape Architect

[email protected]

Michael Thompson

Electrical Engineer

[email protected]

VII. Conclusion

The project is progressing satisfactorily, albeit with some challenges. Efforts are underway to overcome obstacles and ensure successful project completion within the revised timeline. Close collaboration among project team members remains crucial for achieving our goals.

For any inquiries or further information, please contact [Your Name] at

[Your Email].

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