5th Grade Lab Report

5th Grade Lab Report

This lab report is prepared by [Your Name].

I. Introduction

This report aims to document the scientific experiment conducted on the topic: "Effects of Sunlight on Plant Growth."

A. Purpose

The purpose of this experiment is to determine how different amounts of sunlight affect the growth of bean plants.

B. Hypothesis

If bean plants are exposed to more sunlight, then they will grow taller and healthier.

II. Materials and Methods

A. Materials

  • Bean Seeds

  • Soil

  • Watering Can

  • Measuring Cup

  • Ruler

  • Three Plant Pots

  • Notebook for Observations

B. Methods

A. Procedure

  1. Fill three plant pots with soil.

  2. Plant three bean seeds in each pot.

  3. Label the pots A, B, and C.

  4. Place Pot A in full sunlight, Pot B in partial sunlight, and Pot C in the shade.

  5. Water each pot with the same amount of water every day.

  6. Measure the height of the plants once a week and note the observations.

III. Results


Pot A (Full Sunlight)

Pot B (Partial Sunlight)

Pot C (Shade)


2 cm

1.5 cm

1 cm


4 cm

3 cm

2 cm


6 cm

4 cm

3 cm

IV. Conclusion

The experiment showed that the bean plants exposed to full sunlight (Pot A) grew the tallest, while the plants in the shade (Pot C) had the least growth. This supports the hypothesis that more sunlight leads to better plant growth.

V. Acknowledgements

Thanks to [Your Name], [Your Company Name], my teachers, and my family for their support in conducting this experiment.

VI. References

Any textbooks, online sources, or scientific articles used will be listed here.

VII. Contact Information

If you have any questions, feel free to contact

[Your Name]

[Your Email]

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