4th Grade Lab Report

4th Grade Lab Report

Prepared By: [Your Name]

Contact Email: [Your Email]

Date: August 21, 2050

I. Introduction

Experiment Title: The Incredible Egg Drop Challenge

The purpose of this experiment is to understand the concepts of gravity, air resistance, and impact forces by designing a contraption that will prevent an egg from breaking when dropped from a height.

II. Hypothesis

We hypothesize that if we use a parachute made of a plastic bag and padding made of cotton balls, then the egg will not break upon impact because the parachute will slow down the fall and the cotton balls will cushion the egg.

III. Materials

  • 1 raw egg

  • Plastic bag (for parachute)

  • Cotton balls (for padding)

  • String (to attach parachute)

  • Scissors

  • Masking tape

  • Measuring tape

  • Notebook and pen (for observations)

IV. Procedure

  1. Gather all materials listed in the materials section.

  2. Carefully attach the strings to each corner of the plastic bag to create a parachute.

  3. Fill the plastic container with cotton balls to create a soft padding for the egg.

  4. Place the egg in the center of the cotton balls inside the container.

  5. Secure the plastic bag parachute to the container using tape.

  6. Drop the egg contraption from a height of 2 meters.

  7. Observe whether the egg breaks or remains intact.

  8. Repeat steps 6-7 for three trials.

V. Observations


Height (Meters)

Egg Condition (Intact/Broken)










VI. Results

In two out of the three trials, the egg remained intact, supporting our hypothesis. However, in the third trial, the egg broke, suggesting that there may be inconsistencies in the design or testing method.

VII. Conclusion

Our experiment partially supported the hypothesis. The parachute and padding mitigated the impact in most cases, but they did not completely eliminate the risk of the egg breaking. Further refinement may increase the success rate.

VIII. Reflection

This experiment was a valuable exercise in applying scientific principles such as gravity and impact resistance. It taught us to consider various factors that could influence our results and to think creatively to solve problems.

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