Client Customer Status Report

Client Customer Status Report

Prepared by: [Your Name]
Company: [Your Company Name]
Date: January 30, 2050

I. Project Overview

A. Project Details

  • Project Name: [Project Name]

  • Client Name: [Client Name]

B. Contact Information

  • Construction Manager: [Your Name]

  • Email: [Your Email]

  • Phone: [Your Company Number]

II. Progress Summary

A. Milestones Achieved

  • Foundation Completed: January 10, 2050

  • Structural Steel Framework Installed: January 20, 2050

  • First Floor Slab Poured: January 25, 2050

B. Upcoming Milestones

  • Second Floor Slab Pour: February 5, 2050

  • Roof Installation: February 20, 2050

III. Current Status

A. Completed Tasks

  1. Site preparation

  2. Utility connections

  3. Foundation and basement levels

B. In-Progress Tasks

  1. Structural framework: 80% complete

  2. Electrical rough-in: 50% complete

  3. First-floor wall framing: 70% complete

C. Next Steps

  • Complete the structural framework by February 1, 2050

  • Start the HVAC rough-in by February 5, 2050

  • Begin the roofing installation by February 15, 2050

IV. Budget Status

A. Summary

  • Initial Budget: $10,000,000

B. Expenditure Details


Budget Allocation

Expenditure to Date

Remaining Budget

Site Preparation




Structural Work




Electrical Work








V. Risks and Issues

A. Current Risks

  • Weather Delays: Potential impact on project timeline

  • Supply Chain Disruptions: Possible delays in receiving critical materials

  • Labor Shortage: High demand for skilled labor could affect project schedule

VI. Client Feedback

A. Previous Feedback

  • Positive remarks about quick site preparation

  • Requested more frequent updates on budget status

B. Actions Taken

  • Increased frequency of budget reports from monthly to bi-weekly

  • Implemented a weather monitoring system to anticipate and mitigate delays

C. New Feedback Requests

  1. Any specific aspects you'd like detailed reports on?

  2. Are you satisfied with the current format and frequency of these status reports?

VII. Additional Notes

A. Project Adjustments

Any changes to the project plan, budget, or scope will be promptly communicated and documented here.

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