Free Business Handover Report Template



Free Business Handover Report Template

Business Handover Report

I. Executive Summary

This report details the handover of the Customer Support Services project from the development team to the operations team at [Your Company Name]. The transition aims to ensure seamless service continuity and enhanced customer satisfaction. It includes project overview, handover details, outstanding tasks, risks and mitigations, and acceptance.

II. Project Overview

Project Metric


Project Start Date

January 1, 2051

Project End Date

May 31, 2053


Improve customer support response times, integrate new CRM system, and enhance service quality

III. Handover Details

A. Key Contacts

  • Development Lead: Marcelo Green

  • Operations Lead: Harold Abern

B. Documentation Provided

  • User Manuals: Detailed guides on system operations and troubleshooting.

  • Training Materials: Comprehensive training modules and video tutorials.

  • System Configuration Files: Technical specifications and setup configurations.

C. Training Conducted

Training Session

Date Range


Initial Training

May 1-7, 2051

Customer support team members

Follow-up Training

May 8-15, 2051

Additional support staff

IV. Outstanding Tasks

A. Pending Issues

Issue Description

Responsible Party

Expected Resolution Date

Minor adjustments to the CRM system

Operations team, IT

January 15, 2052

System compatibility testing with legacy software

Development team

February 1, 2052

Staff training completion

Operations team

February 15, 2052

Database migration

IT, Operations team

March 1, 2052

User acceptance testing

Operations team, QA

March 15, 2052

Finalization of operational procedures

Operations team

April 1, 2052

B. Responsible Parties

The outstanding tasks have been allocated to respective teams with clear responsibilities and timelines to ensure timely completion and a smooth transition process.

V. Risk Management

A. Risk

Risk Description

Mitigation Plan

Potential knowledge gap during handover

Ongoing support and mentoring from the development team

B. Mitigation

To mitigate the risk of a knowledge gap during the initial phase of the handover, the development team will provide ongoing support and mentoring to the operations team. This will include regular check-ins, access to documentation, and additional training sessions as needed.

These expansions provide a more detailed overview of the outstanding tasks and the associated risks and mitigations for the successful handover of the Customer Support Services project.

VI. Handover Acceptance

The operations team acknowledges the receipt of all necessary documentation and training to assume full responsibility for the Customer Support Services.

Acknowledge and accepted by:

[Your Name]

Operations Representative Name


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