Weekly Bug Report

Weekly Bug Report

Report Generated By: [YOUR NAME]

I. Report Summary

Date: March 12, 2050

This report details the identified bugs and issues encountered in the weekly build of the software project. It includes the following sections:

  • Bug Details

  • Bug Severity and Priority

  • Environment Details

  • Log Files and Screenshots

  • Test Data

  • Previous Occurrences

  • Debugging Steps Taken

  • Developer Notes

  • User Impact

  • Suggested Next Steps

II. Bug Details

A. Bug Description

  • Bug ID: 001

  • Title: User login fails on the first attempt.

B. Steps to Reproduce

  1. Open the application.

  2. Navigate to the login screen.

  3. Enter valid login credentials.

  4. Click on the "Login" button.

C. Expected vs. Actual Results

  • Expected Result: The user should be logged in successfully.

  • Actual Result: The login attempt fails with an error message "undefined".

III. Bug Severity and Priority

A. Severity Level

  • High: This bug affects critical functionality and needs to be fixed immediately.

B. Priority Level

  • High: This issue should be addressed in the next build cycle.

IV. Environment Details

  • Operating System: Windows 10, macOS Catalina 10.15.7

  • Browser: Chrome 90.0.4430.212, Firefox 88.0.1, Safari 13.1

  • Device: Desktop, Laptop

  • Network Conditions: Stable broadband connection, 100 Mbps download speed

V. Log Files and Screenshots

A. Log Files

  • Log file 'user_login_attempt.log' captured from the server during the login failure.

  • Console log from the browser showing error details.

B. Screenshots

  • Screenshot of the login screen with the error message displayed.

  • Screenshot of the browser console showing the "undefined" error message.

VI. Test Data

A. Test Accounts

  • Username: testuser1, Password: Test@1234

  • Username: testuser2, Password: Test@1234

B. Sample Data

Database entries for the test users to verify login functionality.

VII. Previous Occurrences

This issue has been intermittently reported in builds from February 25, 2050, and March 5, 2050. However, it was not consistently reproducible until the current build.

VIII. Debugging Steps Taken

  1. Initial Analysis: Investigated the server logs to identify any anomalies during the login process.

  2. Code Review: Reviewed the authentication module for potential issues with the login function.

  3. Reproduction Attempts: Reproduced the issue in different environments to isolate the problem.

  4. Temporary Fix: Implemented a temporary patch to bypass the error, allowing further testing of other functionalities.

IX. Developer Notes

A. Potential Causes

  • Possible issues with the authentication API not handling certain response codes correctly.

  • Session management issues, causing the login token to be invalid on the first attempt.

B. Recommended Actions

  • Conduct a detailed code review of the authentication and session management modules.

  • Collaborate with the backend team to ensure the API is returning the correct response codes.

  • Implement additional logging to capture more detailed information about the error.

X. User Impact

  • Affected Users: All users attempting to log in for the first time after launching the application.

  • User Feedback: Multiple user reports highlighting frustration due to the failed login attempts, impacting their ability to use the application effectively.

XI. Suggested Next Steps

  1. Immediate Fix: Prioritize fixing the login issue in the next build cycle to restore critical functionality.

  2. Testing: Conduct comprehensive testing across all supported environments to ensure the issue is resolved.

  3. User Communication: Inform affected users about the issue and the expected resolution timeline. Provide workaround instructions if possible.

For more details, contact:

  • Company: [YOUR COMPANY NAME]

  • Contact Number: [YOUR COMPANY NUMBER]





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