Cyber Security After Action Report

Cyber Security After Action Report

I. Executive Summary

The Cyber Security Incident Report details the events and responses related to the cyber-attack that occurred on January 1, 2050. This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the incident, response actions, and recommendations for future improvements.

II. Incident Overview

  1. Incident Date

January 1, 2050

  1. Incident Description

On January 1, 2050, a significant cyber-attack targeted our network, resulting in unauthorized access to sensitive information. The attack was identified as a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) combined with a phishing campaign.

  1. Impact

  • Systems affected: Web Servers, Email Servers, Internal Network

  • Data Breach: Confidential customer information exposed

  • Business disruption: 8-hour downtime

III. Response Actions

  1. Detection

The IT department detected the attack through abnormal traffic patterns and alerted the security team at 0900 hours.

  1. Containment

Immediate actions were taken to contain the attack, including isolating affected servers and blocking suspicious IP addresses.

  1. Eradication

Malicious software and unauthorized access points were removed from the network. Systems were thoroughly scanned and cleaned.

  1. Recovery

Affected systems were restored and monitored, and normal operations resumed within 8 hours. All passwords were reset and security patches were applied.

IV. Analysis

  1. Root Cause

The root cause was identified as a phishing email that compromised an employee’s credentials, allowing attackers access to the internal network.

  1. Contributing Factors

  • Lack of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

  • Insufficient employee training on recognizing phishing attempts

  • Outdated security patches on some systems

V. Recommendations

  • Implement Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) across all systems.

  • Conduct regular employee training on cyber security practices.

  • Ensure timely installation of all security updates and patches.

VI. Conclusion

The Cyber Security Incident highlighted several vulnerabilities that need addressing. By implementing the recommended actions, [YOUR COMPANY NAME] can strengthen our security framework and mitigate future risks.

Reported by: [YOUR NAME]

Reported on: [DATE]


Contact Information: [YOUR COMPANY NUMBER]

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